Our Profile
We started our service at April 5th of 2008. We started with 15 bedded programme and now we had extended as a 20 bedded residencial programme. From April 5th 2008 to March 31 2013 . We had treated 1027 Alcoholic in our residential 20 days program and 2624 patients as an outpatient category. As an total we have experienced with 3651 Alcoholic and their dependents. As an average had treated 730 Alcoholics per year. Among them 72 are female patients. We are also very proud to inform that we are in touch with 1642 patients still now and we are making a regular followup with them and we had formed a SHG among them to strengthen their abstinence. In relapse prevention programme we are implementing a system of Home based detox and we are also equipped with dropping centers to enable the abstinence and to prevent relapse to lapse.
A regular follow-up was made with those patients through AA meetings, Home visit and over telephone. A new innovative system was adopted by us to generate awareness among them. Ie. Making through SMS alerts we kept in touch with them. The poor responders were done home visit in a month and motivated for recovery.
As for as in the field two of our outreach workers with the guidance of the social worker were left to the field to survey the status of alcohol prevalence in and out of our home town ( Thanjavur ). After the survey the valuable site as identified and awareness campaign were conducted at those sites with the help of local residents and with the help of law enforcement agencies.
We also have the concept of “Prevention is better than cure”. Keeping it in our mind we made a tie-up with N.S.S. and N.C.C. Unit of the colleges in and out around Thanjavur. Every month an awareness programme were contacted among the students regarding “Prevention of alcohol and drugs” and students motivational programmes were conducted.
In the community level aspects we conduct various programmes to generate awareness regarding prevention of alcohol and drug abuse.
Every January Rangoli festival was conducted in a mega level on behalf of our centre and the best performer were awarded mementos.
Every 7th of April World Health Day was observed by our centre by giving awareness Programmes regarding “Health and Hygiene” among AA members and Schools / Colleges and in community level.
Every May 31st, World No Tobacco Day was observed by our organisation by conducted Rallies, issuing awareness pamphlets, street corner meeting and various activites.
Every 26th of June we conduct a mega programme like Rallies and Awareness banners, wall posters to observe the “International Day against Drug abuse and illicit trafficking on that occasion we mingle with the local communal bodies and with the Law Enforcement agencies to make the event as a successful one.
Every 10th of October World Mental Health Day was observed through various kind of activities like Suicidal prevention programme, motivational programme for old age and competitions among the mentally challenged Individuals.
On 1st of the December every year we observe “World AIDS Day” by generating awareness among the general public and free condom distribution among the commercial sex workers. We also give them awareness of AIDS prevention once in every three months.
Freedom AA Group was formed by our client Mr. Kumar, on June 26 2008 and still now it is live and enrolled more the 820 anonymity people and they gather every Sunday. For their gathering Freedom Deaddiction Centre provides the place and needful things in order to motivate them.
COAP - Children of addicted parents was formed on March 27th 2009 in order to identify the problems faced by the children of the Alcoholics. Every second Saturday they gather in our centre and they were included in IQ analysis and to motivate them competitions were held for them.
As the highlight of all events every April 5th at the Event of our centre anniversary a grand function was held in which celebrities were made to participate and in that event we honor the patients who is maintaining total abstinence and maintaining quality sober life by offering them by mementos, Citation and Cash rewards. This system resulted in a grand success. Every year the beneficiaries are getting increase on till date. We have honored more than 420 Patients for their total abstinence from alcohol.
As per as financial backup we are collecting fees from the individuals as a average of Rs.14000/- per head in past five years and all the accounts has been audited and submitted to the concerned authorities.
We are also proud to say that we own a website “www.freedomdeaddiction.com” for past 4 years in which we are networking in an advanced manner. Every month atleast above 300 individuals are visiting our websites and we had planned to update our website very soon it could be implemented.
The centre professional V. Thiruvalluvan was very often exposed to media once in JAYA TV - the satellite channel a programme on Alcohol awareness ( Talk time) named KANNADI.
In 2010 V. Thiruvalluvan participated in an awareness programme on Corporal punishment for school children ( Talk time) named KANNADI.
In 2012, V. Thiruvalluvan appeared as a compere in a star night music programme on RAJ TV – Kodai Kontatam in which he briefed about Alcohol awareness.
Very often the articles regarding alcohol and substance abuse awareness were issued regularly in the dailys named THINA THANTHI, THINA MANI, DHINAMALAR, Etc.